A Theology of Play

The spirit of play is very important in my ministry as a pastoral caregiver at a psychiatric hospital. That spirit comes out in various ways. Sometimes I joke with my patients. Sometimes I’m irreverent. Sometimes I tease. In addition to demonstrating playfulness, my theology also involves a type of openness and creativity as I listen […]

The Future of the PC(USA) is Being Reformed by God

The future of the PC(USA) is being reformed by God. And it is as limitless as the holy imagination that we vow to practice when we are ordained.  That’s it. That’s the article that sparked this response. But I’m going to go on, because The Outlook started a conversation that is worth having by using […]

The Word…and Wisdom…Became Flesh

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. John 1:1 A new year can be a time for new beginnings, but we are also still in the season of Christmas, perhaps with these very words about beginning from the Gospel of John fresh in our hearts. […]

Reading Making Paper Cranes: Toward an Asian American Feminist Theology by Mihee Kim-Kort A Decade Later

As I was reading Making Paper Cranes by Rev. Mihee Kim-Kort, I found myself feeling simultaneously exposed and held by her analysis and critique of the “both and” world that Asian-American women live in. I regret that until this past month I have never read or been given a recommendation on a book solely based […]

Home by Another Road: Nonviolence, Ceasefire, and Peace in the Middle East

“And having been warned in a dream not to return to Herod, (the magi) left for their own country by another road.” Matthew 2:12, NRSV After successfully following the star to meet the Christ Child in Bethlehem, the magi were supposed to return to Herod’s palace in Jerusalem to report on the child’s whereabouts. At […]

Make Room

“No room,” they say. “All full,” we’re told. “You’ll have to go somewhere else.” What I’ve come to learn that they’re really saying is that they are full. That their capacity for love is limited– their imagination inaccessible. Closed off. Gone.

The Long Tradition of Desperate Pastors at Christmas

The sooner we accept religion is irrelevant the sooner our collective focus can shift towards restoration. Yes, I’m a clergy person, and yes, I think religion is irrelevant. When Christians are arguing about the color of candles, when to start Advent, and what candles to light, it all feels ridiculous in the face of a […]

Ten Things to Do for Christmas

It’s that time of year: Christmas. And as clergy, we are often tasked with making sure everyone else’s Christmas goes perfectly. Sometimes, that means we forget about our own Christmases. In the spirit of giving (and preparing, re: Advent), here is a list of 10 things to do as we get closer to Christmas. Whether […]

A Litany for Waiting

Here we are again: a season of waiting, a season of watching.  Here we are again: a season of wondering a season of hoping. 

Holodomor and Thanksgiving

Every November, as many in the United States prepare their Thanksgiving turkeys and make plans to gather around the table with friends, family and perhaps too much food, the world also commemorates Holodomor, the devastating forced famine imposed on the Ukrainian people by Joseph Stalin’s regime in the early 1930s. This dark chapter in history […]