Consider the Plants, Week 2: Ishmael Under a Bush

Prayer of the Day God of All Creation, we thank you for the companionship of plants throughout our lives. In times of distress, give us the courage to cry out. Give us faith to remember that God is listening and will show us a way through our wilderness. We offer our prayers in the promise […]

Consider the Plants, Week 1 : The Oaks of Mamre

Introduction Last spring, I read Debbie Blue’s book Consider the Birds.1 Each chapter explores one kind of bird – its diet, its habitat, its cultural significance, its vulnerabilities. It also explores what it might have to teach us about God on the move in the world and amidst our humanity. I loved digging into supposedly […]

Jesus the Gardener

In the Gospel of John’s account of the resurrection, Mary Magdalene mistakes the risen Jesus for the gardener. But that doesn’t really feel like a mistake at all. A gardener, much like Jesus, tends to and coaxes forth new life. A plant, much like the resurrection, springs from a seed that is planted deep in […]

Easter Dawn

Easter dawns –  A new day A new promise A new hope

Looking in Hope

I created the piece “Looking in Hope” for a friend who asked for a prayer painting to hang on her child’s bedroom wall. I have often thought of Psalm 91 as having two voices: one that is unsure and overwhelmed and one that answers from deep experience in walking hardship with the Lord’s help. Throughout […]

Breath of God

As I exhale deeply with the knowledge that Holy Week is upon us there is a hymn that has been rattling in my mind: Breathe on me breath of God, fill me with life anew, that I may love what thou dost love, and do what thou wouldst do. Breathe on me breath of God, […]

Ashes to Ashes

Ashes to ashes Dust to dust – Homes destroyed By earthquakes Now covered in dust.

Beatitudes for Clergy for a New Year

Blessed are you who are showered with gifts and cards and gratitude this holy season, for your worth is known far and wide. Blessed are you whose people greet Pastoral Appreciation Month with a deafening silence, and yet you care for them; for your persistent, relentless love reflects God’s love for us. Blessed are you […]

Communion Setting for Advent

The Lord be with you. And also with you. Lift up your hearts. We lift them up to the Lord. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. It is right to give our thanks and praise.   In the beginning there was Love, Love so radiant it could not be contained–bursting forth as […]

A Prayer for the Wave of Light

On what was supposed to be my daughter’s due date, we went up the hill on our farm. My spouse brought his banjo to play “I’ll Fly Away,” but our almost 2.5 year old toddler wanted to play music too, so some of the ritual and liturgy I planned for the three of us fell […]