Fandom Religion

Sometime during the catastrophe that was 2020, my husband told me there was a new show we could watch. An American football coach goes to England to coach a professional soccer team. I wasn’t really interested in a sports show, but with a newborn at home and nowhere to go, I finally agreed to watch […]

Peace is a Practice (Book Review)

In her book Peace is a Practice, artist and musician Morgan Harper Nichols posits that finding peace is not finding a state of being but rather joining a river flowing all around us. Perhaps the reason we aren’t at peace is because we are so busy that we miss the river of peace flowing slowly […]

Romance as a Post-Pandemic Spiritual Practice

Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a desire fulfilled is a tree of life.- -Proverbs 13:12 While listening to the pilot episode of the podcast “Hot and Bothered,” I was surprised to learn that romance is the best selling and most profitable of all literary fiction genres, and by large margins. Even given its […]

What Is Love?: A Review of All About Love by bell hooks

Author and cultural critic bell hooks has recently made the news because she has been listed as one of the authors whose work Governor DeSantis cites as problematic for students. Her writing has challenged and engaged students in teachers to use their voice to stand up and to learn who they are. 

The Chosen: A Jesus Show Worth Watching

Until I saw The Chosen, the only shows or movies I had seen featuring Jesus were in one of three categories: boring, educational, or satirical (remember this vintage 21 video? It still makes me laugh). Now I can add a fourth category: thought-provoking and enjoyable. 

My Utmost: A Devotional Memoir Book Review

Sometimes I feel out of place in my denomination. I’m an ordained Episcopal priest living on the East Coast in a liberal area, but I was raised Baptist in the Midwest, very much part of the evangelical fundamentalist subculture. Even though I’m an ordained clergywoman of another denomination, there is much I value about my […]

Harry Potter as a Sacred Text

  For the past several months, I have gathered every Monday with three other chaplains at a state psychiatric hospital in Trenton, New Jersey, to read Harry Potter as if it is a sacred text. This is precisely the sort of activity I would have rolled my eyes at years ago when the Harry Potter […]

Review No Cure for Being Human (And Other Truths I Need to Hear) by Kate Bowler

“Someday we won’t need hope. Someday we don’t need courage. Time itself will be wrapped up with a bow, and God will draw us all into the eternal moment where there will be no suffering, no disease, no email. “In the meantime, we are stuck with our beautiful, terrible finitude” (191). When History of Christianity […]

Book Review: Blessed Union

It is the season of love. The stores are filled with candy hearts, blossoms are starting to appear on trees (at least here in Texas!), and marriage is on the minds of many. Into this landscape bursts the Rev. Sarah Griffith Lund’s new book, Blessed Union: Breaking the Silence About Mental Illness and Marriage, published […]

Winter Reading Suggestions from Young Clergywomen

Do you love curling up under blankets with a pile of books in the winter? Have you found more time to read – or needed to make time for your survival – in this pandemic? Young clergywomen (YCW) shared in our online groups some of what we hope to read this winter. Many of the […]