
Compline for Palestine: A Call for the Church to Act

With my red stole covered in Bethlehem stars slung over my shoulder, I proclaimed the crap out of the Gospel. I had been ordained for about four months when I was invited to apply for a scholarship to attend the General Convention of the Episcopal Church. The Association of Episcopal Deacons wanted to give an […]

Home by Another Road: Nonviolence, Ceasefire, and Peace in the Middle East

“And having been warned in a dream not to return to Herod, (the magi) left for their own country by another road.” Matthew 2:12, NRSV After successfully following the star to meet the Christ Child in Bethlehem, the magi were supposed to return to Herod’s palace in Jerusalem to report on the child’s whereabouts. At […]

At My Wits’ End

Psalm 107:23-32 (St. Helena Psalter) Some went down to the sea in ships,          and plied their trade in deep waters. They beheld your works, O Lord,          and your wonders in the deep. In 1995, I was a junior in college. I had the opportunity to study abroad, and so I […]