Reflections on Advent: A Way of Peace
Post Author: Mary Allison Cates
The quote from James Agee ties the images together: “In every child who is born, the potentiality of the human race is born again, and of each of us, our terrific responsibility toward life, and the utmost idea of God.”
According to the artist, “New life happens, even in the face of global warming, war, poverty, and interpersonal conflict. May our saving Lord Jesus Christ be born in us again this Advent season, so that we may respond to our broken world by creating a way of peace.”
Click on images to see full-size versions:
Mary Allison Cates is a part-time minister in the Presbyterian Church (USA) and a full time mom. She is a graduate of Vanderbilt Divinity School and Rhodes College and resides in Memphis, Tennessee, with her husband Andy and son McCool (15 months).
Image by: Mary Allison Cates
Used with permission
well, i’m almost speechless. i am so impressed and moved. so, where can i get a set?
I’m still pretty speechless about these- being pregnant during Advent, they mirror my immediate experience. Thank you so much for sharing them with us!
If these were done up as a print, I would want to give them to every mom-to-be I know… Just sayin. 🙂
These are just stunningly beautiful.
Gorgeous! What a gift to share with us-thank you, Mary Allison.
Wow, just, wow.
These are really, really beautiful. I found them personally very helpful as an image of hope. Thanks!
I love, love, love these. The 3rd one with the Memphis skyline is my favorite, and I would think especially meaningful for your church. Thank you for sharing your thought-provoking, hopeful art.
Amazing MA, but I expect no less! Thank you for reminding us what this season is really about.
These are awesome, MA!
Divinity Girl:
I absolutely LOVE these prints!! ANd your explanation is amazing. I would love to have a copy of the bulletins to put on my office door during Advent.
Great work!
MA- I absolutely love these. They are beautiful- and remind us of how Christ continues to come into the world bringing hope in the midst of brokenness and desperation. Well done.